Cukup Air dan Dapatkan 5 Manfaat Sehat Ini
Jakarta, Jangan malas minum air ya,
sebab banyak minum bisa memberi Anda berbagai manfaat kesehatan. Minumlah
paling sedikit 8 gelas dalam sehari. Air tidak hanya akan membersihkan tubuh
Anda dari dalam tetapi juga akan membuat kulit dan rambut lebih sehat.
Langsung minum air putih setelah bangun tidur di pagi hari akan membantu membersihkan usus Anda. Dengan begitu, usus Anda lebih siap mengambil semua nutrisi yang Anda konsumsi sepanjang hari.
Tubuh Anda membuat sel-sel baru setiap hari dan air yang Anda minum bisa
membantu produksi sel-sel baru. Hal ini juga memungkinkan otot-otot Anda untuk
tumbuh lebih cepat setelah berolahraga.
sumber: health.detik.com
comment :
I think this article is very useful, it is best
to water in consumption by the human body. Live a healthy life is important.
Water is a healthy beverage worldwide, no side effects. Although only a body of
water if the water shortage worse consequences. I personally prefer to consume
water instead of water such as water that tea, coffee water, drink water
preservatives. I personally prefer to
consume water instead of water such as water that tea, coffee water, drink
water preservatives. I also used to drink water every day and reduce soda.
Efficacy of water not only to cleanse the body, but also as a substance that is
required by the body.
We need to know that less is more we consume 8-10
glasses of water each day, and approximately 80% of the human body consists of
water. But in addition to the benefits of water are also dangers in drinking
water excessively. Properties of water will be more pronounced if taken in
stages, not excessive or all at once. Properties that can be felt, the
consumption of water before you feel thirsty. After getting out of bed is also
recommended to consume one glass of water. Before and after breakfast is also
recommended to drink a glass of water. Similarly, when I want to move as well
as before and after exercising. Even before sleep is recommended to consume a
glass of water. Caution is also now a lot more drinking water refill
questionable cleanliness.
I think that must be considered is drink water
according to our needs. Not recommended drinking excessive water. Hopefully
this article and comments.
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